PBS – Mask communique

PBS – Mask communique

PBS – Mask Communique This notice was sent to PBS families to remind them about the mask rules at the time in Victoria. Back to PBS Back to...
PBS – Ballerinas in masks

PBS – Ballerinas in masks

PBS – Ballerinas in masks This was a fun little image I created for PBS to try to normalise mask wearing for the young student body. Back to PBS Back to...
PBS – Trivia Night

PBS – Trivia Night

PBS – Trivia Night PBS ran their first Trivia Night ever during lockdown! Using Zoom, and a trivia app called Kahoot, about 30 families joined in on this very fun evening. Back to PBS Back to...
PBS – Jazz/Tap class offer

PBS – Jazz/Tap class offer

PBS – Jazz/Tap class offer During the year, PBS runs small offers for children already enrolled in certain classes. They are usually to target classes with low attendance/enrollment numbers, but sometimes it’s to open the children up to forms of dance...